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Equipped By Grace – Message for April 27, 2014

By April 29, 2014No Comments
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Earlier in the year a small group of us met together to watch through Wayne Cordeiro’s “Doing Church as a Team” videos. We were looking for a good model for how to organize some of the ministries that are emerging and evolving here at the church.

One thing I have learned in my years of ministry is if you give people a book they will read it, appreciate it and then forget it. That’s not what we wanted to happen here. So, we set out to re-write and repackage this material as our own. The truth is, we only borrowed from Wayne on the most basic levels. We truly are doing church as “Team Kansas.”

With Easter behind us we’ve begun a new ministry class and I’m tying the next four sermons in with it. They will go hand-in-hand to cover the material with those who are plugged in during Sunday School and the rest of the congregation during the sermon. I think it should go well.

I also decided that to drive home the importance of service we would have a small project during this time. I cover that at the end of the message.

I had very positive reactions to this message. I find that if I give people something concrete to do they will respond to the message in better. They realize they’re participating in the message.

I think my points could have been worded better. In fact, I re-wrote them just hours before preaching the message. It was a bit clunky. I really wanted to hold onto the idea of victory that we had just experienced with Easter and tie that in to winning in ministry. I think the message comes across, but it could have been stated better.